
“아브라함에게 배우는 기도” The prayer we learn from Abraham” 창세기(Genesis) 18:22 – 33

부활절 감사예배 “왜 부활입니까?” Why the resurrection? 고린도전서(1 Corinthians) 15: 50 – 58

“왜 십자가입니까?” Why the cross? 고린도전서(1 Corinthians) 1:18 – 31

“예수님, 왜 찔리고 상하셨습니까?” Jesus, why was he pierced and crushed? 이사야(Isaiah) 53:4 – 6

“하나님의 양무리를 치되” Be shepherds of God’s flock 베드로전서(1 Peter) 5:1 – 11

“불시험을 당할 때에” When we suffer from the painful trial 베드로전서(1 Peter) 4:12 – 19

“육체의 남은 때를 위하여” For the rest of his earthly life 베드로전서(1 Peter) 4:1-11

“고난을 이기는 복된 삶” Blessed life that overcomes hardships 베드로전서(1 Peter) 3:8 – 17

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